
Kansas Reading Roadmap


If you work at a school located in Kansas and are interested in running a Reading Roadmap afterschool, summer or family engagement program, please enter you information for a free quote. Through a partnership with the Kansas Department for Children and Families, we can offer curricula at cost.


The top 25 schools in meeting KRR’s program fidelity have moved 32% of their underperforming students to the grade reading level.

The top 25 schools in meeting KRR’s program fidelity have moved 32% of their underperforming students to the grade reading level.

At the same time, the top 25 schools meeting KRR’s program fidelity have moved 43% of the student body out of critical risk reading level, on average.

At the same time, the top 25 schools meeting KRR’s program fidelity have moved 43% of the student body out of critical risk reading level, on average.